The other problem was, the other side of that double-headed monster or double-edged sword was the fact that you had six people on there that served the society. The society had a philosophy that they had this stewardship over the zoo. And as a result, although the society was not part of any governance of the Oklahoma City Zoo whatsoever, it took on a role of stewardship by their own definition. That could be difficult because you had people that sat on society. Society was a not-for-profit and it suffered some of the same kinds of issues as I mentioned before, about what happens to nonprofit boards, when people get involved with them who really have no knowledge about what you’re doing and think that they would like to be more in the hands-on, day-to-day running of the institution, instead of leaving it to the professionals. That’s a problem there. Since I’ve left there, they’ve gone through two directors. They’ve just got a new one.