I don’t think, when I went to St. Louis, I was pretty much focused on what the issues were that existed there at that time. Couldn’t really think a lot about we oughta do this or we oughta do that other than just getting what we had in order, getting our house in order. And after that, then we could start looking at other things that we might want to consider in the collection. Things like hummingbirds, we didn’t have the space for hummingbirds. We didn’t have the space for several things. So, that was out of the question. It just couldn’t be considered, we couldn’t provide the proper space and the proper techniques for maintaining them. So, I really didn’t have any preconceived thoughts when I went to St. Louis, it was just like what do we have to deal with first and foremost to get it back where it should be and build from there.