And just like a P-chick about the pen. And we fed it the usual mix of almost anything, chopped meat, fruit, but the real trick, the thing that I’m convinced was the clue to the success of that activity of raising that chick was the same food that we used heavily with raising cranes, live meal worms that were soaked in or coated with mineral and vitamin powder, and given in great perfusion several times a day. And enough so that daddy could eat his meal worms, and there was plenty left over for the chick. And he was an expensive chick to raise because there were many hundred meal worms, but the little one grew rapidly and it out-surpassed in size, the father. And when it was about seven, it lived well, beautiful, big bird, and when it was about seven, it began to lay. So we knew these were in the days before DNA and testing, and chromosome and hormonal testings. So we named it Cass, and again, we passed on the information about that process, which was a very difficult process to repeat, and a lot of time and effort involved. And just as with the tortoises, a few years later, San Diego Zoo, for the first time, raised cassowaries there.