So that soil was not permitted to enter, it was disinfected in some manner. The new sterilized soil was utilized with the earth worms that would go in to be fed to the platypus from the time they left Honolulu and got to New York. And poor David was a, he wrote a very human interest, emotional article for the national, this particular one was for the geographic. And he mentioned in there that one twist, that as he was scheduling to leave on a PanAm flight, he, during his short duration, he was here perhaps a day, early in the morning to late than same day, and we did that transfer business with the new earth worms and disposing of the old ones, and providing new soft grass. We discussed his flight on the mainland with our PanAm friends here. And of course, as these years would go by, we’d develop personal relationship with the airline, both the cargo people and the people that managed the airline. And in that case, it was, I think Ernie Albright, the PanAm top brass here, who of course, was interested in this. This is probably the most single significant shipment, animal shipment that had come through in my 20 plus years watching this.