Certainly there were huge changes made to the lion house after that, the building was closed. I mean, there was all kinds, windows were added, this mode exhibit now had six feet class panels from you. The height was extended so much higher so to prevent something like that from ever happening again, the zoo changed all kinds of protocols. I mean, after that point, after that became much more, we became much more serious in terms of gun protocols, having a shooting team there, having them practice regularly, A, having them certified by the police department for a shooting, maintaining guns, acquiring additional guns, having a plan. It used to be people, it used to be five o’clock came, everybody punched out and left the zoo. After when that came, it then became that there was a protocol for leaving the zoo that we had a shooter, a curator was on zoo grounds. There was a shooter on zoo grounds. And one keeper from every section of the zoo was on zoo grounds.