He would openly listen to keeper, he would listen to people, for their input in terms of changes and things that’s going on. and he was able to implement or change, initially when he first got there, in terms of acquiring animals or reacquisitioning them, no animal could be moved out of the zoo until the Recreation Park Commission approved it, they would meet monthly, there’d be a resolution and yay, nay, for all practical purposes I gonna say that was a rubber stamp, but legally he couldn’t move any animals without their permission. Well, that at times became quite the problem because people didn’t wanna sit on an animal, it was more so in terms of acquiring stuff and in the summer they wouldn’t have like an August meeting. So they could be like two months between meetings. So, he was able to get the park commission to make a resolution, giving him the authority, to make these exchanges of animals, with their concurrent that it’d be after the fact that they give the approval and Saul had a general manager of the parks department that he would report to. And certainly, doing a small animal is inconsequential, but he wasn’t about to move a major animal, gorilla or copy or something without everybody knowing and having all the docs lined up in the right order.