There was another famous animal here, Mike the polar bear. Mike the polar bear, that’s right. And he was a very large bear. he was a little over 10 feet tall when he stood up with the behind legs, and he was almost as tall as the top of the bars, and if they hadn’t had a curvature over, he could have probably muscled his way out, but with the curvature overhang of the bars themselves, he couldn’t get out of the cage. You think animals, when you talk about Mike, and you talk about Bushman and Sinbad, and I remember looking at the old newspaper clippings and I would just see fantastic crowds, there was one newspaper clipping, of two alarm tanks that came in via airplane or something, the crowds in the building were 10 deep, 20 deep. Well, we fill a building with people in those days. Yeah, but you don’t do that today for a new acquisition, I mean, we have pretty good publicity, but it certainly doesn’t seem like you fill a building, you know, if we got two new gorillas from Britain, we didn’t fill a building. Well, they’ve seen gorilla, they’ve seen a lot of gorillas by now, but when Bushman was here, there were only about eight gorillas in captivity, well, less than that, I think in the United States at that time.