I said, I’ve been thinking about that because Bushman had injured his foot, sliding on the old wooden floor that was in the cage, and he loved to run and slide, but this had warped somehow rather, and the crack had separated and he cut his foot and there was on the back of his foot, and he kept working on this, working on it, and pretty soon he lost a couple of toes, small toes on his forward foot, which I think was his right foot, and you’ll see that the amount of specimen down there shows that if you’ll look closely, so, we had to put concrete, we had to take that whole thing out and put concrete in, and this was hardwood floors, anyhow, so we got tickets talking about that, and he said, you know, Marlin, I have a lot of contacts still in the missionary field over there, and Dr. Good is still there, and he says, if you’d like, he says, I’ll see if I can get something started, and maybe you could go over and bring them back, and we could have a replacement for Bushman sometime. So I knew the director of the Jardin des Plantes Zoo in Paris, and the Vincennes Zoo too, you had charge of both of them. And it turned out that I wrote to him to see about getting permits, ’cause this was the old French Cameroon thing, and he wrote back and said, yes, it was no problem at all, he was in charge of that for the French government, and it was his recommendation or not, so he said, I would be happy to recommend this for you. And then he said, we also can make some arrangements with the man who’s in charge of that department for the government out there, and he could probably catch them for you.