Well, naturally old Paul Buck fell in love with Bushman and immediately he thought what a fine physical specimen he was, and how well oriented and imprinted he was to the people, and he decided that he would like to try and buy him. Well, at first, they didn’t want to talk to him about buying the animal, and they were so enamored of Bushman that they couldn’t think of his not being there, but over, he stayed with him for two or three weeks and he kept talking to him about it, and he also, I must have told him that this animal is gonna grow up and be something really big, and you have to build an awfully strong cage to keep him in ’cause you won’t be able to just let him run around, and I’m sure they knew that anyhow, but, they also were building a church and they needed money for at that time stained glass windows for the church itself, so, they finally made an agreement, the Buck would bring Bushman back to the states and sell him for as much as he could get for it, and then he would split that money with the mission station, and he did that, he brought him first to, I think, Washington DC, and I think he also offered him to St. Louis and to Philadelphia and to the Bronx, and finally they all turned him down because gorillas has had a bad reputation for living in captivity in those days, there just were very few, so then he contacted Alfred Parker here, Parker was interested, and Buck brought him out here, and Parker found the money, I think it was $3,000 that he paid, which in those days was a lot of money for one animal. But, Buck stayed around and he talked to and showed Eddie Robinson how to take care of him and how to feed him and how to play with him, and all this kind of thing, and advised that he play with him frequently, and so he did, and then Eddie Robinson, who was a farm boy, as I remember, but he was a clear thinking lad, and he loved that animal, he used to take him out on a long rope where the collar around Bushman’s neck onto the yard and they would play football and they would chase each other, and Bushman could climb a few little trees and things of that sort, and so Ed told me that one day he got to thinking, well, now he asked people, what kind of place is it that he comes from, comes from a tropical rainforest, rainforest, well, it must rain a lot.