But I turned off in terms of ornithology as a result, especially because the replacement curator at the museum came down from Cleveland, Cleveland Museum. And all he was interested in were the lengths of the primary feathers on the wings of the local birds. And I felt this was not very attractive subject in terms of my interest at all. I was already into salamanders and creatures of that kind, but I was turned off in terms of the field of ornithology as a result of Burnham’s illness. And this replacement curator from Cleveland, whom I will not name. So going to Michigan, and as I say, with a friend already in place and valuing the faculty and the circumstances highly, it was quite a good situation for me to enter into. So that’s where I started and after the first year a master’s degree, and all of that, and then I jumped out to Montana to dig Indian remains from the side of the Tiber Reservoir, which was sort of the first highest up the Missouri River that they put any such endowment of the waters and so it was, again, an interesting experience with a bunch of people of similar interest and backgrounds out there in the field. And my friend Moseman and I actually collected sufficient reptiles and amphibians to publish a paper on the herptile front of that part of the country.