Well, I’d… (chuckling) I’d grown up being curious about the creatures around and in Charleston, for instance, we used to try to bring the bats down by throwing objects in the air and then waving branches, et cetera, when they did swoop down after the objects. And we collected creatures from the nearby marshes, et cetera in the city itself. And there were creatures of all kinds, but particularly the anolis lizard that was all about the city. But there were also circumstances where you had to appreciate the natural world and the creatures therein. But I do remember, for instance, seeing my first bald eagle robbing an osprey over what was called Colonial Lake, which was far down on the peninsula in Charleston. You don’t forget things like that, nor do you forget pulling a toad fish from that same little lake, which was a very artificial lake that was connected to the Ashley River. But things of that sort stick with you from childhood on, you remember the ugliness of the toad fish, but you also remember the spectacular flight dynamics of the eagle and osprey and their encounters. So we had that sort of thing all about us and the beaches around the city provided other entertainment such as crabbing and shrimping and the waterways behind the Islands, et cetera.