Interestingly, she was actively involved in the capture of our giraffes. She and her one of her closest friends in Brownsville, Mrs. Duffy, went to Africa on safari, and there was a animal dealership that was active then and still is International Animal Exchange. And they had a base camp in Nanyuki, Kenya, which is right adjacent to the Mount Kenya Safari Club. And they went over there and were guests of Don Hunt, who was one of the owners of the company. And he took them out on safari with him to catch gravy zebra and articulated giraffe. And so they did get to observe that although they didn’t do the catching, but they were present while the animals were captured and then acclimated in their moments. In 1970, late in the year or early ’71, I forget exactly which, I was sent to Africa to bring back a boatload of animals. That’s the last shipload of animals that ever came into the US.