Larry Litner Jr. lived in Corpus Chris, or lived in Houston in Dallas and Earl Sams Layner lived in Corpus and subsequently he moved to Wyoming. So they had different interests and wanted to fund their projects. Gladys’s daughter, Dody, decided that they were gonna support the zoo come whatever. So for a while, we were writing grant requests, one to the Earl C Sams Foundation, which they kept the other was going to the Litner Sams Foundation, which the two Litner boys took and they split the Earl C Sams into two different Foundations. That went on for a while and then in about ’86, John and Dorothy Hahn came to us and on a very amicable, very good way said they wanted to be sure the zoo was able to care for itself in perpetuity better. And they thought we needed to get some broader involvement. So they made us a challenge grant to establish an endowment. And in 1986 was not a good time because periodically Mexico underwent a Paso devaluation.