I’m Don Farst, I was born in Wandsworth, Ohio, and grew up in Ohio except for a brief stint during World War II when I lived in West Virginia, when my father was down there building a defense project, but basically I’m a Ohio farm boy product. All of my public education was in Zanesville, Ohio, which is Southeastern Ohio. Then after graduating from Zanesville High School, I went to college at Ohio State University, which they make a big point now of calling The Ohio State University. But I graduated there in 1965 with a degree in veterinary medicine. While I was at Ohio State, I worked summers and part-time during the year for the Columbus Zoo and that’s how I got interested in working with exotic species and wildlife. And after graduating from Ohio State, there were no zoo jobs available. And so I wanted to try private practice anyway, which I did for four years. I was in a busy, mixed practice in Franklin and Grove city, Pennsylvania, where we had two small animal practices.