That’s what we’ve gotta have.” Well, the only place I could get those, because you know the Australian zoos do not value them very highly, ’cause they’re their own animals, I guess like us exhibiting a raccoon, and they don’t care about them, so they never had them. They never bothered with them, really. They just had them somewhere and if they bred, fine. And if not, “Well, we’ll go get another one, or some more.” And the only places that cared were ones that were making money off of them of course, the private places. And I spoke to this guy, I spoke to these people from Long Pine. They said, “We can get you,” you know I said, “I want six, I want a bunch of them.” And I said, “I wanna get animals that are perfectly well adapted.” He said, “Look, we’ve been through this with Japan.” He says, “We know what you want and need.” I said, “Right, okay.” They became real good friends of mine, by the way. I still have correspondence with them. But they sold out, they sold to Japanese actually, in Australia.