Lincoln Park was really the first zoo that ever had reptiles. And I never was a, I never handled reptiles. And going out with me on this traveling zoo there was a caiman, which was, and the people, you know, caiman is a crocodilian, smaller than an alligator, not an alligator, but they’re, they can be pretty nasty in their own right. And if it’s a little guy, you can handle it, but the bigger they got, the tougher they got to be. And the people in the reptile house, I don’t know if they were doing it a purpose to indoctrinate me, (laughing) but they put a pretty good size caiman in the traveling zoo. And I had never, I had never handled the caiman. And I remember figuring, “Well this guy, he’s the helper, isn’t he?” (laughing) So I said, “You have to take these animals out of these cages,” in this like, was a bus actually converted into, like with cages, and you took them and frequently that’s what the helper did actually. Take them out and give them to the staff member, and you’d talk to these kids about the animals and try to, truly what it was, was entertaining these kids, honestly.