So when we would get a volunteer, who was a good looking volunteer, a woman who would come in to volunteer, ’cause we had volunteers, they would always pleasantly say, “Well now, you have to clean this cage.” And they were willing to do it. “Now, you take these rubber gloves. Now, you have to check them out first ’cause of the roaches.” And they would try and pleasantly make it so, it’s something they didn’t wanna do ’cause they didn’t want them around. So, and I remember the Children’s Zoo as something in the summer where all the people, the young kids who were working, we always had a lot of fun together. They would play practical jokes on each other, but they enjoyed this working together. It was really a good team. And you knew what you had to do. I mean, Roy Smith as the boss of the children. So there was a schedule and that’s what it taught me is management is very important in how you manage people, ’cause you’re gonna get all kinds of people.