And there was only 30,000 of that left at the end of that first year. And if it hadn’t have been my first year and if it hadn’t had been with the board’s trust in the finance person, I think I could have lost my job easily. I made a point after that that I sat there and she resigned and I had to do a whole budget and I can remember doing it on a legal sheet at home. And I knew I started with $36,000 in the operating reserve. And I left the operating reserve with about three and a half million dollars in it and five million in the endowment that I’d started out with about 80,000. And we had a surplus of almost not quite a million dollars in the black from what was over budget that last year. So we built that operating reserve up to the point that it was a requirement that it’d be 25% of whatever the expenses were the previous year from the zoological society as part of the budget, which was about 50% of the total budget. And it was a good feeling.