Because a lot of things that have been built cost a bloody fortune and you can’t see the animal. I can still remember Louis DiSabato draging me in to look at this picture when they did the great looking exhibits. It was in the old lion house at the Brookfield Zoo here of the four small cat exhibits. And they cost, I forgot what it was, so much a piece or whatever. And Louis said, “If you ever build something like this and spend that kind of money, I’ll come kick your butt,” because you couldn’t see the animals, which is a basic premise. And the challenge of exhibit design is something that, you know, people want to see the eyelashes, the eyeballs, but they want to know they’re in a well cared for large exhibit that meets their welfare needs and have space. So you always have that challenge. And the animal has gotta have a place where it feels safe and so forth, but from some angle still be visible by the public.