I personally think it’s essential. And I made a point with my staff to, you know, I gave them copies of Conway’s paper, how to display a bull frog. I lent out my copies of “Man and Animal in the Zoo,” Hediger’s book, quite a few times. I really believe that if you don’t understand your history, you’re gonna repeat some of those mistakes. It’s amazing how many answers to the first basic question how long the animals live or what their diet is. The easiest thing to start with was to open up Crandall’s book if it was a mammal because it was a good starting place. And from there you’d go to the International Zoo Yearbook It’s amazing what’s in there. And so I made sure that we had an active library, that we infused it with cash every year for keeping up with the literature and pounded on people that they’ve got to read and got to look because what’s on the internet doesn’t all have footnotes all the time.