That’s accentuating the positive at all times. And you know, I only had a handful of letters I never answered, but I know that one lady that for years complained about the elephant exhibit. I answered every single one of her letters. I didn’t live up to ’em as quickly as I wanted to for sure, but in the end she donated money for the exhibit and that just blew me away. So I do have a hard time. I mean, people ask me that famous line in that trial of Tampa and San Diego when the judge said, “Let me see if I understand this correctly,” when he was addressing the lawyers at the end, and it didn’t have a basis for the final settlement of the case, but he said, “As I understand it, you’d rather see these elephants dead in Africa than alive in zoos in the United States.” And they both said yes, which I think was a major mistake. Those lawyers probably didn’t get very many jobs again for that kind of answer. I mean, God knows how they could have spun it, but I have a hard time understanding how people, I mean, there’s so many ills in our world.