You know, we have the issue that we’re the truth sayers and they can say anything they want. And that’s a communication problem to start with for a dialogue. I mean, if we’re using pure science on stuff. I’ve always felt a lot of it had to do with the brand and how confident and how much you believed in what you were doing. I truly believe that zoos are animal welfare organizations. And that’s where I think in the future, it’s gonna be one of the main drives that we’re gonna have to not only practice that and preach it, but document it and you know, it’ll be more and more in the accreditation standards. But I mean, it’s part of our ethical and moral obligation to give them the best lives possible to justify having them in human care. Part of it is I just felt strongly if you believe in this, that you have to have built a brand and the respect in the community, and you can take that on.