The extremists and activists, animal activists, wouldn’t want us to. But I told an activist the other day, “If we really wanna save the southern resident whales, I bet you we could teach them to eat different fish.” She says, “Well, we don’t want them in captivity.” And I said, “I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about we have trainers good enough that I bet you we can reinforce them and change their food source so they’re not eating the bad salmon.” And she looked at me and she said, “I don’t think that would be possible. We wouldn’t allow that.” And I’m going, “So you want them to go extinct?” “Well, no, I don’t.” Well, yes, you do. So back to the point though, we have learned so much about killer whales, and we’ve exposed the public to them in many, many ways. Killer whales in the ’50s were used as target practice by the military. Now they’re special animals. And they are special animals, but they’re really no special than all, all the animals are special.