Well, (chuckles) it was sort of an ironic situation. Ed had left. (objects clattering) (door slams) Ed had left in ’91, and so I then was elevated to the top. And John Roberts, who was running Busch Entertainment, asked me at that time, he said, “Can you go down to Tampa and talk with Jerry?” And I go, “Well, sure.” And I go, “And what do you want me to do down there?” And he says, “Well, I just think Jerry needs some help.” And I go, “Jerry doesn’t need any help. He’s doing fine. He needs you guys to help him more.” And he goes, “Well, I need to know how we can help him more, because somehow we’re just not getting connected.” And I said, “Okay.” So anyway, I went down and talked to Jerry and said, “Jerry, I’m down here to help. What do you need me to help you with?” And it was ironic, ’cause we were walking through the Edge of Africa construction site at the time, and one of his curators was having an argument with one of the contractors. And they’re standing there yelling at each other over these drawings out in the middle of the dirt field.