Well, the zoo had a organization called the AAZPA, the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, and they had conventions, they had meetings. And certainly when I became director, I got into this organization, became a member, a zoo director member. And that was my initial sort of interlink with other colleagues. I certainly knew closely what was going on across town, because Brookfield at the time had an interesting history with Lincoln Park. There was a director at Brookfield called Robert Bean, and Robert Bean and Marlin Perkins at the time of my being involved there as a part-time zoo doctor was sad because Bob Bean resented Marlin’s notoriety. Marlin was a national figure, “Zoo Parade” put him, in fact, he made, I think Time Magazine once on the cover. And Bob in turn was a very respected biology person, he was a zoologist and the colleagues knew that, respected it. And so the day I think that Marlin made Time Magazine probably literally the Berlin Wall went up in Chicago.