And so whether they came to the orphan state because the mother was killed. Whether the mother, for whatever reason, abandoned the baby, in most cases we didn’t know. And that was the way that we brought back a lot of our early kids, and I established rapport with some of the, what we thought were legitimate, good animal people there in Cameroon, and some of the dealers. And it was a positive experience. Frank went with me down there and he was the great white father, he had a wonderful head of white hair, and he was always immaculate in his dress. And there I was full of sweat, and wondering why we’re in this hot humid area. And one of the silly stories that came out of one of these trips, was that at one time we were having breakfast with the animal person, the dealer, the trapper, whichever he may have been. And lo and behold through an opening in the area that we were in, a young Chimp comes in, and grabs Frank’s breakfast food.