Gradually as the animals became more threatened and more endangered, which they were and are, more so all the time. I think the role of the zoo got into conservation and that was and is important. I think again, it was a strong personal opinion of mine, that education should be equally if not even more important than conservation, because unless we can educate generations of young people about nature, and animals, and all the rest of that, we’re gonna have an uphill battle to make our culture survive. And so education came into being, and we can thank our Congressman at that time a man named Sidney Yates, who was one of the pillars of Congress and seniority, and I thought ability. Sid got me a small grant from the Department of Interior to do an endangered species program at Lincoln Park. And as part of that, I was able to fund an education curator. And from there on our department has grown happily, and steadily, and meaningfully. And so I think that today zoos are, and when I used the word zoos I’m including aquarium because zoos and aquarium serve a mutual role in the animal life of the world.