Grace Duvall. was a remarkable woman who started counting coins in the visitor services department. And she gradually evolved to become secretary to various of the animal curators. And then the record keeper and eventually assistant curator of mammals and birds. And she did everything from call sleepy curators who had to get up early to go out and meet a shipment coming in at four o’clock in the morning to arranging for their laundry and sending flowers when a curator was afraid that he’d offended a donor, she was an absolutely delightful person and a great resource for the society. Then there was Jean Delacour. Jean Delacour, the famous French ornithologists sat in the chair I eventually occupied at the Bronx Zoo for many years and had an office at the American Museum was an enormous expert and a close personal friend of Lee Crandall and he advised the zoo on the exhibits, mammals, birds, reptiles, everything. And on the development of ideas.