One of the first things I did was started curatorial training program. I found it difficult to get trained curators. So we brought in a number of young zoologists, those that we could find that had zoo training. For example, James Dougherty came in as a trainee, but he’d worked in two zoos before he came to work for us, but he was not given a curatorial position he was giving a trainee position. We brought in Don Bruning and while working with us at the zoo, Don received his doctorate in ornithology and he became our curator of ornithology. And later on his assistant curator, Christine Shepherd came from Cornell University, she had her doctorate before she came and she was trained by Bruning and others. And so it went through (indistinct). John Baylor, our reptile curator was trained by the preexisting curators and was a very competent field biologist, as well as a curator.