But when you get to the very small ponds, you’d have to have a little more intensive work on them to keep them going because they’re very small and need help. Can you talk about that concept as it relates to animals with large populations and where they’re needed as the populations get smaller. The viability of an animal population is dependent at some level, at a large level on how many of animal A exist. How many are interbreeding. The effective breeding population as geneticists referred to it, no matter how well cared for a population of 10 tigers is not secure. A population of 500 tigers has a much better chance of being secure. A population of one tiger is a tiger whereas a population of one penguin is not, a penguin is a social species. And this brings up an interesting question about numbers, but generally speaking, the thing we look at first when we’re trying to determine how well off any animal species is, is how many of them are there effectively breeding together and they place.