And the other thing that helped us so much was that we had a fellow, up from the department of fisheries and oceans of Canada. They’re watching us collect, making sure we did everything right. And he was on our side, quite frankly. And I said, “You know, we’ve got a problem. “Because according to our permit, “we have to notify the Fish and Wildlife Service “that we’re coming in. “We have to give them 24 hours notice.” He says, “I’ve got the home phone number. “He’s a friend of mine in Seattle, “I’ll call him for you.” So he called him, told him what the problem was. I talked to him, I said, “I’m notifying you, we’re bringing in the animals tomorrow morning.” Okay, he said, “Fine.” Now, if it hadn’t been for those two accidental events, we probably would have been fined by the government for bringing them in without following all the details of the permit.