It’s hard to get things done, but as more board members were added, then you started to see the birth of an education committee, a collections committee, a business committee that started helping with the ideas coming to improve the aquarium from these people. And today, that situation is pretty rampant. You have an awful lot of people that I won’t say dictating, but consoling the staff and particularly as they call them now, the president and CEO, on what the best way is to proceed with this. So as each new department was formed, then we started to get board members who could help in those membership development committee. Unfortunately, we never got anyone in there until recently who had any knowledge or background in research. It was very difficult to come because I think they’re more interested in the financial aspects of the aquarium than they are in the research. But now that’s changing also. But most of the people who were brought in were people who either could contribute sizable sums to the aquarium, or who knew people who would be good donors.