And we built a big charcoal filter with charcoal about the size of wheat grain and we pumped the water through that, came out like artesian spring water. Well, the problem was eventually those little tiny rice grains of charcoal, they went through also, and as they were pumped through the system, they got into the valves at each tank and clogged up the valves. So we were constantly working on that until all the charcoal was on the system. So we did this two or three times, bringing up water. The next time we put big fine mesh nets at the overflow out of the charcoal filter, and caught all that stuff before it was going in. So that’s how we got the charcoal, and then eventually made our own, or bought, what was it called, Neptune salts to make it. And I think they still use the Neptune salt at Shedd now. That was one of the challenges.