Warned people coming in and pour in chemicals in here and doing that. And so going back to when we came on field trips with Dr. Park, he says, “Now, whatever you do, when you get behind the tanks, “don’t ask any questions “about what research is going on here.” He says, “They’re very sensitive about that.” So we kept our mouth shut then. So gradually, little by little, I got him to loosen up a little bit. The first trip that I made to Hawaii, we came back with some, they have oodinium over there. It’s a very small flagellate that gets in the fish’s gills and eventually strangles then and they cut off all the oxygen absorbing ability of… And certainly gets on their body, and it’s an irritant. And I came back, and I went through a whole tropical saltwater system. And he said, “What are we gonna do?” I said, “Well, other aquariums add copper sulfate to their system.