Mopie was a beautiful gorilla. I don’t think he’s alive anymore. He was sent back to National Zoo I believe because he was on loan from them. But Mopie, it wasn’t Mopie’s fault, we had a malfunction of a spring loaded locking device that we invented in San Antonio and the keeper, Mopie went out for cleaning inside, the keeper let him out, the door came down, the pins were supposed to lock in and somehow Mopie either held his finger, which he often could do and hold that thing up just enough. And the keeper gets into the inside exhibit to clean and there was Mopie. Mopie runs out and the keeper goes out the same way through the keeper door instead of out into the outside exhibit. Thank God he went outside because then the keeper who was in there started yell for help. And people started coming to help him out, other employees.