It was extremely important. It was an old sea lion performance lake. And it couldn’t be used for that anymore because we didn’t keep the sea lions in there. We now have to keep them in salt water and that wasn’t salt water. So I, and I knew I had to do it really inexpensively. So I decided to put the people out in the middle of that lake and doing it by making a walkway, a boardwalk that came off one area of the bank of the exhibit, across to the center island where the sea lions used to perform, hide the concrete island and then back over to the other bank across the lake and let the people then be in the center of an Everglades exhibit with cattails and storks and cranes and things that you might see in an Everglades situation anywhere in the world. And it worked very well. I used to love to walk there in the evening after everyone was gone just to see what went on in the scene.