Well, of course I admire our favorite ones in this country, the big ones with the giant staffs and the wonderful things they’re doing. Bronx and Brookfield and Lincoln Park in San Diego, Philadelphia. The European zoos I have become very fond of because of the past history. When I look at some of those wonderful buildings that they had, and I look at Frankfurt and think, without the war, they wouldn’t have had the great zoo they have now, because it was destroyed during the war. And thankfully it was rebuilt much better, I’m sure than before, but they lost those beautiful, architecturally beautiful buildings that some of them still have, like the Bronx has, you know, some of those old buildings are just delightful. Then I liked, for example, Vienna, where you have the old zoo, you can’t touch it you can’t even change the color of the paint and the new zoo all in the same zoo. Most modern buildings and the old just like it was. In third world countries, there are zoos and some are good and some are bad and some need help.