I think one of them was caring about the animals. Yes. I think qualities that a curator should have, well, of course he has to have the education to be a good curator, but again, I get so tired of telling everybody, oh boy, you have to have an education. You have to have a much more than that. And it really is more than just education. You have to have the love for what you’re doing and be satisfied with what you can accomplish in your field as a curator, be knowledgeable of course, as best you can, make sure that the people working under you, and one of my pet peeves is that the curator doesn’t know who’s working for him half the time. He seems to wanna sequester himself in that records room with his computer and not get out there and make sure that the keeper who’s taking care of so-and-so animal is doing the job properly, if he knows whether it’s a proper job being done. And some curators don’t seem to know that.