Well, perhaps the biggest problem now is finding experienced and educated staff members who will stay. Maybe they decide they wanna go on to be a zoo director. Well, that’s a goal in itself, but they may have been much better off as a curator, a very specialized curator. And when I say that I mean, sometimes outside of the very top level or top echelon zoos in America, we have a lot of smaller and medium-sized zoos and they bite off more than they can chew when in fact they could do a much better job if they applied all of that effort in one or two directions. And if each one of the small zoos did that, we wouldn’t have a major problem. If they all did it and tried to do everything and that that’s where AZA comes in, we’re getting to a point now where every zoo thinks that they ought to be doing what San Diego and the Bronx and National Zoo and Brookfield are doing. And they can’t, they have not the money or the staff to do it.