I had discussions with them, but it was always private discussion. I didn’t have any incidents where they stood out in front of the zoo, demanding the zoo director to come out and talk with them. I can’t remember that that ever happened, but some of them were former employees of the zoo that become activists in different manners. There was a group, that one, there was a group that pointed out that you had some hunters on your board and they didn’t like that very much. Well I would have to say that the people who thought that I had hunters on my board were correct. They were correct in that they are a sportsman, they’re hunters, just like most everyone, other than the animal rights people are in San Antonio, especially they’re ranchers, they know conservation practices and carry them out on their ranches. They know that if there are too many deer, they have to cull the deer and what better way to do it than have hunters come out and pay for leasing the land for hunting in order for them to maintain the property. They can’t do it with cattle in Texas.