Rotary was very supportive of the zoo. And our Rotary Club in San Antonio hadn’t really never taken on a single project until I talked them into a children’s zoo that I wanted to build, which would be the central education facility and a place for the docents. Because by that time, I had already started a docent program. By the way, with only Junior League members. And can you imagine Junior League walking around the zoo, taking children, you know, that’s pretty high cotton. The Junior League, they do a lot of things, but they don’t do that. Well, they were standing in line to be docents at the San Antonio Zoo and the finally the league said, “Look, everybody can’t be just going to the zoo, so we have all these other projects that have to be done.” So that was how we began the docent program with Junior League members. Now it’s expanded to well over 100 docents, not Junior League only, but the Junior League stayed with me for about 20 years as part of that program.