I knew Fred Stark because I’ve visited with him at conferences. He knew I was also bird curator in Columbus, and we had corresponded in those days. Fred was not a person who corresponded much with his friends, but he did. Everybody knew Fred when it came to thinking in terms of birds and San Antonio, because he was the one who hatched the first Flamingo in a zoo. And he raised it in the zoo house, which is where Phyllis and I lived for 17 of the years that we were in San Antonio as a zoo director. And the reason we didn’t live there for 26 of those years is our family was too big for the house. So I couldn’t move them in there until we expanded it. The board allowed me to add a suite with a washer and dryer facilities and all those things you have in a home to the old house that was Fred’s and where he raised the Flamingo in the house.