My relationship with the chairman and the executive committee was always very good. In the early days, the chairman of the committee before I arrived, was very demanding. He would send out telegrams to people when he wanted them to come to a meeting. And the meeting was always about the need for money. And he’d hit them pretty hard because he could, he was very wealthy and influential in the community and he usually got what he wanted. When I arrived, then I found that a lot of the effort to get the money was gonna have to come from the zoo director. And that’s when I began to spend as much time as possible in the community visiting with every Kiwanis Club and every Rotary Club and any women’s, especially the Women’s Club, because they were so influential in the family. And we began to have functions in the zoo, like the Zoobilation Ball and things of that sort that really brought in the, not only the cash, but the interest, the great interest in the zoo.