Well, I don’t think they’re the same. I think that the difference between older zoo patrons and newer ones is their ability to get information. The internet has been important to them, some of the documentaries, some of the animal planet type of experiences gives them an edge up. They know animals, not all of them, but the youth do and they’re coming online. And one of the kind of a fun things was that I was standing behind a mother and a seven or eight-year-old child in front of a cheetah enclosure. And the mother exclaimed, “Oh, isn’t that a beautiful leopard.” And the child said, “Mother, that is not a leopard it’s cheetah, and it can run 70 miles an hour.” And this is the kind of the category of the people that are coming to zoos now. They can either perceive or think they perceive abuses that are occurring or lack of animal wellbeing, and they are not reticent about stating that fact. So public perception by more knowledgeable people are some of them.