Well, the epiphany was of changing from a poor to mediocre student was maturity for one thing. I think that current students, particularly young man start college life with, “I’m gonna party.” They were either more interested in girls or interested in cars, and they literally botchered the first two years. As a result, they have a tough time getting their grade points up to the point where it’s acceptable to a veterinary school. On contrast, ladies are paying attention to their schoolwork and they get good grades right along and have a higher GPA than most young men that finished their undergraduate work. I think that it’s necessary for young men to grow up, I did the same thing, I went into the Navy instead of going to college directly out of high school, and that was an awakening. And then the realization that I really wanted to become a veterinarian occurred with my experience in medicine. And that was another apidamy that it took place. But by then I knew what I wanted to do, I knew what I had to do, I set goals and I didn’t really have challenges.