For instance, we had a resident that was interested in the ratites when ostriches and emus became extremely popular in the private sector, this fellow really got enthralled with those animals and essentially took over that part of the practice. In later years, I drifted to handling more of the large animal, the mega vertebrates, as we would call them. And ultimately the emphasis has been on camelids and elephants. And I enjoy them, but they’re not necessarily my favorite animal, I just don’t have a favorite. Because I started out in the business with the attitude that all animals deserve attention, and then when I could see that somebody else was giving that attention to another species, then I could move to a different area. Like I said, in general, I’ve worked in various facets, not only a veterinarian medicine in general, but in the zoo circumstances itself. And I have contended that I would work in an area until I found out that my clientele or patients found out that I didn’t know what I was talking about, I’d move to another area.