How important it is to know your- Well, that was in a mobilization situation, and there are slight differences between a mobilization and anesthesia. But in that particular case, I was utilizing phencyclidine again, and I injected a polar bear that was on exhibit, and the reason it was on exhibit is it wouldn’t go inside. But I needed to look at this animal more closely. And I think all of us that are involved with zoos know that the polar bear is the most dangerous animal in a zoo. The one that we would least likely encounter without a barrier between him and me. But so I injected this animal and got a good shot at it, felt comfortable about it, but immediately the polar bear went into a corner and acted like it was immobilized. Well only Marlin Perkins had animals that went to that quickly into a mobilization, but the real world told us that it takes time. Even if you get an intravenous injection, which you don’t usually get on a dart.