Well, it’s interesting to look at the use of anesthesia, not as a separate entity, but in common with immobilization. And immobilization is necessary for studying individual animals and general, dealing with diseases and so forth for both free ranging animals and captive animals. But I guess one of the things is in addition to immobilization and the use of drugs for (clears throat) bringing that about, we learned something about true anesthesia, where we use either continuation of drugs, but are given intravenously or with inhalation anesthesia. One of the things that we had to do was learn how to intubate animals. And now I was able to be faced with passing a stomach tube or an endotracheal tube in this animal, like a shrew or an elephant. And we do both. And we learned anatomy and I learned anatomy by dissecting animals that died for other reasons, and knowing how we could reach the trachea. So that was a contribution that not only me, but others made in the field.