Well, when I wrote that I had just started working with wild animals. I had already learned how to do restraint, (coughs) excuse me, of domestic animals, and I knew that there was that need for domestic animal restraint. And obviously the first thing that I really had to be involved with, with wild animals is how, as Oliver Graham Jones mentioned, first, you have to catch your tiger. And sometimes that’s a little bit of a chore. So restraint then became paramount in my whole life. And I figured that if I needed to do it, and then I could see that other people needed to do it too, that maybe I could contribute that way. I didn’t look at it as a contribution to the time, I essentially looked at it as a vehicle for teaching my students. And some of the first books that I wrote, people thought that they, there wasn’t very much call for that and they wouldn’t publish enough of ’em.