And those are things that prepare a young man for life. And if they incorporate these things really into their life, they’re gonna be happier, the community is gonna be a better place, and life in general would be better. So I think that the scouting program emphasis on using outdoor activities as kind of a laboratory for learning citizenship is important. And I would hate to see that program denigrated in any way, because they are trying to make better citizens in any country that they are found in. And there is a unique situation that might be of some interest. Because when I was in Uganda, I was given the opportunity to go into the back country with a car that was touring. And the driver, we were off the beaten path quite a bit, and he hit a rock with the oil pan, and cut a hole in the oil pan, and we were in bad trouble, we didn’t have radio communications, this was before cell phones. So we lost all the oil on the dirt road.